Top 5 Reasons to Make Your Appointment NOW


Here are the top 5 reasons to make your appointment NOW to maximize your dental benefits:


1.    Unused benefits do not carry over to the next year!

Most dental plans have an annual maximum benefit, but if you do not utilize it, you will lose any unused benefits from the previous year on January 1st. (there are some insurance plans that are renew annually on different dates other than January 1st, so check your plan for the exact details)


2.    New Year means New Deductible

If your dental plan has a deductible, you will pay it again next year.  However, if you’ve already paid your deductible for the current year, any additional dental treatment completed before the end of the year will not require another deductible payment.


3.    Make use of what you pay for!

The premiums for dental insurance coverage are most commonly split between yourself and your employer.  If you’re paying into the plan, you should take advantage of the coverage you have already paid for your dental care!


4.    Regular care now, means preventing bigger problems later!

Having professional cleanings and examinations with the hygienist and dentist prevents gum disease and helps diagnose concerns that are easily treated sooner rather than later.  Dental decay diagnosed earlier means a smaller filling.  A tooth that has been recommended a crown will protect the tooth before a fracture and significant loss of tooth structure.


5.    The ultimate goal is a Happy and Healthy smile for the Holidays and all Year round!

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